Tuesday, July 21, 2015

8 Easy Way To Keep Your Body Healthy & Fit

How To Keep Body Fit & Healthy
Health is wealth. It is very important to keep your body healthy & fit. There is a close connection between the mind & the body. A sound mind lives in sound body. A man of ill-health with all his wealth never feel comfortable & happy. He finds no pleasure in his life. But if you are healthy & fit you are one of the happy person in the world. So it is very necessary to keep your body healthy & fit. If we follow some steps & maintain them regularly we can keep us healthy & fit.
Some important rules to stay fit & healthy:

01. Check Up Your Body Regularly

http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlIt is very important to checkup your body regularly. To ensure your your physical situation you should get annual physical check up. It is no harm for body if you check up regular. When some abnormal in your body then you will get to know timely & also can consult immediately with your doctor. So it is very important to regular checkup of your body.

                                                           02. Give Up Your Bad Habits
Some habits are very dangerous for health. They would be smoking, taking drugs, unsecured sex & some others injurious addictions. If you don't give up these habits you can never be healthy &  in the long run you have to suffer. So try your best to kick your bad habits. On the others hand there are some habits which are not so bad but some times its become problem if taken so far. These are specially taking alcohol, sugar, junk food & also some others. Try to give up this types of food which is better for your health.
03. Getting Well Sleep
http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlGetting well & sufficient sleep is very important to keep body healthy & fit. Well sleep maintain our mental & physical health. Many of us do not get well & enough sleep which is not good for health. It affects metabolism, mood, brain, concentration, immune system & cardiovascular health. Well sleep make your body free & keep your mind fresh which is very necessary for good health. So try to sleep well every day minimum 7-8 hours daily.
04. Eat Healthy & Balanced Diet Food:
http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlEating healthy food is very important for good health. Try to eat regular balanced diet food. Eat lot of fresh fruits, vegetables which provides you plenty of vitamin & energy. You have to also take lean sources of protein like as fish, egg, meat & beans into your diet. You should leave junk foods like as pizza, burgers, soft drinks, ice-cream & others foods which contain artificial sweeteners.

05. Take Breakfast in Time Daily:
Regular breakfast is very important for health. If you skip your breakfast it is not good for your brain & your body too. You should take healthy breakfast as it keeps you energetic & control your physical & mental performance. So try to eat energetic food every day in breakfast. Keep in mind that a good breakfast means a good & gorgeous day.

06. Drinking Plenty Of Water:
http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlWater is very important for our health. It helps you to keep your body hydrated & maintain a healthy body. Water keeps our body cell fresh & active. It is called natural cleanser for our organs & digestive. It also flushing toxin out through the skin & urine regularly. Water make our skin more fresh & flexible. Above all Water plays very important rule to maintain our body regular. So every body should take plenty of water daily.

07. Regular Physical Exercise:
 The systematic movement of the limbs to keep the body healthy is called physical exercise. It is necessary for preservation of good health. There are different forms of exercise such as swimming, running, walking & all kinds of outdoor games. To keep your body fit & healthy regular physical exercise is must be need. It helps you to improves your blood circulation & keep your body free from any kinds of dis-ages & also keep mind fresh. Exercise keeps  internal parts of your body healthy & active. So it should be part of our habit.

08. Never Take Stress:
Stress is very bad for health. Always try to keep yourself free from stress. Stress can harm your body & mind. It is very injurious for heart & brain. It is another cause of stroke & heart attack. You  can leave stress by doing exercise, meditation, doing what you love, playing games, meeting with friends circles, making journey & many others. So always try to keep yourself free from any kind of mental tension.

"Don't overwork without breaks & risky task, always try to surround yourself with people who supports you & pray your almighty to keep you happy & free from dis-ages. Its Enough ! Good wish for every body."
"Early to bed, Early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy & wise"