Tuesday, July 21, 2015

8 Easy Way To Keep Your Body Healthy & Fit

How To Keep Body Fit & Healthy
Health is wealth. It is very important to keep your body healthy & fit. There is a close connection between the mind & the body. A sound mind lives in sound body. A man of ill-health with all his wealth never feel comfortable & happy. He finds no pleasure in his life. But if you are healthy & fit you are one of the happy person in the world. So it is very necessary to keep your body healthy & fit. If we follow some steps & maintain them regularly we can keep us healthy & fit.
Some important rules to stay fit & healthy:

01. Check Up Your Body Regularly

http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlIt is very important to checkup your body regularly. To ensure your your physical situation you should get annual physical check up. It is no harm for body if you check up regular. When some abnormal in your body then you will get to know timely & also can consult immediately with your doctor. So it is very important to regular checkup of your body.

                                                           02. Give Up Your Bad Habits
Some habits are very dangerous for health. They would be smoking, taking drugs, unsecured sex & some others injurious addictions. If you don't give up these habits you can never be healthy &  in the long run you have to suffer. So try your best to kick your bad habits. On the others hand there are some habits which are not so bad but some times its become problem if taken so far. These are specially taking alcohol, sugar, junk food & also some others. Try to give up this types of food which is better for your health.
03. Getting Well Sleep
http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlGetting well & sufficient sleep is very important to keep body healthy & fit. Well sleep maintain our mental & physical health. Many of us do not get well & enough sleep which is not good for health. It affects metabolism, mood, brain, concentration, immune system & cardiovascular health. Well sleep make your body free & keep your mind fresh which is very necessary for good health. So try to sleep well every day minimum 7-8 hours daily.
04. Eat Healthy & Balanced Diet Food:
http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlEating healthy food is very important for good health. Try to eat regular balanced diet food. Eat lot of fresh fruits, vegetables which provides you plenty of vitamin & energy. You have to also take lean sources of protein like as fish, egg, meat & beans into your diet. You should leave junk foods like as pizza, burgers, soft drinks, ice-cream & others foods which contain artificial sweeteners.

05. Take Breakfast in Time Daily:
Regular breakfast is very important for health. If you skip your breakfast it is not good for your brain & your body too. You should take healthy breakfast as it keeps you energetic & control your physical & mental performance. So try to eat energetic food every day in breakfast. Keep in mind that a good breakfast means a good & gorgeous day.

06. Drinking Plenty Of Water:
http://healthmasterbd.blogspot.com/2015/07/8-easy-way-to-keep-your-body-healthy-fit.htmlWater is very important for our health. It helps you to keep your body hydrated & maintain a healthy body. Water keeps our body cell fresh & active. It is called natural cleanser for our organs & digestive. It also flushing toxin out through the skin & urine regularly. Water make our skin more fresh & flexible. Above all Water plays very important rule to maintain our body regular. So every body should take plenty of water daily.

07. Regular Physical Exercise:
 The systematic movement of the limbs to keep the body healthy is called physical exercise. It is necessary for preservation of good health. There are different forms of exercise such as swimming, running, walking & all kinds of outdoor games. To keep your body fit & healthy regular physical exercise is must be need. It helps you to improves your blood circulation & keep your body free from any kinds of dis-ages & also keep mind fresh. Exercise keeps  internal parts of your body healthy & active. So it should be part of our habit.

08. Never Take Stress:
Stress is very bad for health. Always try to keep yourself free from stress. Stress can harm your body & mind. It is very injurious for heart & brain. It is another cause of stroke & heart attack. You  can leave stress by doing exercise, meditation, doing what you love, playing games, meeting with friends circles, making journey & many others. So always try to keep yourself free from any kind of mental tension.

"Don't overwork without breaks & risky task, always try to surround yourself with people who supports you & pray your almighty to keep you happy & free from dis-ages. Its Enough ! Good wish for every body."
"Early to bed, Early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy & wise"

Sunday, June 2, 2013

How and When You Should Take Your Daily Meals?

How and When You Should Take Your Daily Meals?

Dear reader, welcome to everyone.When and how to eat food the day, to prevent any of the rules, but there are some rules, such as: how many calories a food? Measures the calories you eat a day to eat the food, the opportunity to eat 5-8 times a day in addition to eat or eat less food, more food can be eaten at one time or portion size control, and at a maximum of 500 calories consumed, for more hunger does not have the stomach, the food and drink of the day early or Forward to eat, drink lots of water, etc. 2-5 hours from the time of the day between meals or 5 hours I could not be more money. The daily calorie needs to eat or Weight increase or decrease the daily caloric range as the food to be taken

Morning breakfast: The morning meal is the most important meal of the day.There is a proverb - "Do breakfast like a king".Good breakfast in the morning through the day, all the energy is playing well, just like the brain works, and the mood is good, or just metabolism increases in blood sugar levels that are much less hunger, and weight loss is just he can not be excluded in any way and Breakfast. If you are in a very small amount of your favorite foods, such as: a piece of haluya, small cup cakes, a small sweet, a little chocolate, a piece of pitha etc., but the day will keep food allowances | Do not eat any bad food | morning Breakfast , so I do not eat much calories all the time, and this kind of diet citarsa ​​the things they need to hear you did not eat it all the time, this kind of food. 
Breakfast foods in order to maintain the balance of flexibility, such as: complex carbohydrates, or complex carbohydrate (red flour, red rice, etc.), vegetables or fruit, meat, fat, and crime in the morning to eat fruit, fruit juice can be eaten too. cereals, nuts, bread, vegetables, eggs, etc. can eat.

From half an hour to wake up in the morning, but progress will be Breakfast. 8am to time is not to exceed. morning food with complex carbohydrates is a good idea to start.

Dinner: at 7-8 pmI made you a lot of trouble, a lot of work, but if you do not go to bed early, you can avail of all the misery. The dinner ended, and as soon as I wake up in bed when you have to, but I do welcome you to the beautiful morning so you it will be a lot of successful people |"Eat dinner like Begger" | This is a popular proverb. I lie down, I will not go.This is a post I have - three hours of sleep the night before the end of the meal must be.Dinner should be very light. The best work on the sugar intake as much as possible.The white sugar, such as white rice or white rice flour bread, covering it plays just before sleep can increase blood insulin quickly, so you can sleep disturbance. The complex carbohydrates - it takes a lot to digest.The complex carbohydrates sleep plays 3 -4 hours ago Eat.However, any type of sugar that plays 3-4 hours of sleep before playing not to damage  but it will be much less than.Do not feed the balance of the afternoon, I will eat all types of food affect the light  means the volume is too low night red / white rice rice, bread, red, noduls or pasta, fish, chicken, vegetables, salad, fruit, etc. can eat  night Massively Food Calories, fat, oil, spices, foods, heavy meals, tea, coffee, sugar Exclude. 

Before going to sleep:
I accept that you are, to feel hungry before going to sleep? Ben appetite, stomach thinking about how sleeping? Of course, a glass of low-fat milk to drink, so you will need to. because milk is an ideal food, it will bring a good sleep, but you'll get all kinds of necessary nutrients. Talk to the low-fat yogurt, and you can eat |

But this time, the food / beverage and sugar have dropped. This is not the time to drink water, because it is due to go to the bathroom again and again, your night sleep disturbance may occur. snyaksa want to eat any of the light with the milk (such as: one fist nut-cracker
Cookies, etc.), but after an hour of sleeping.

We eat foods that you already have a plan, and create menu not going through with it, leaving a little bit of hunger.Each man's daily food needs, age, work, weight, lifestyle, physical problems such as the need to consider the daily food menu . if no one is going to the rule.This is the meal that will comply with the rules (meal times), and this does not have to eat all that the food only idea.It is possible to eat early in the morning and the evening meal.Many people are in the back of the house, then he can come home after a dinner at the office or home can eat a light meal.Healthy diet plays again and again in a little bit of weight, blood sugar levels are okay, metabolism or digestion, increases energy, less hunger, I found all the energy
Some more tips:
I try every day, at the same time every-time food to eat. What to do when you get the power, the brain will not work correctly.Withered in the morning on an empty stomach, in the morning before breakfast or tea before, one / two glass of water and drink . It may be a lemon honey drink lemon honey drink a glass of water in a glass + = two glasses of water you can drink.Finally, I would say - "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise"  This is one of my favorite proverb. You do not want to lose your breinake it comply and comply healthy Lifestyle.All good and stay healthy, wise and prudent healthy Lifestyle comply and make life a lot, I think thisIn this post I tell you, I wanted to share it with everyone.
 "A Healthy Body Means A Healthy Life"

How to Keep Your Body Healthy and Capacitate!!

Some of the rules to keep the body healthy and Capacitate!!!

"Make Your Body Healthy"
If you want to have a beautiful healthy life , but some of you must be careful. Food intake, as well as the material - in relation to the requirements you need to think about. Ill-advised to take extra food, or eating only through the control structure of the body is beautiful. Regular exercise and the body needs to maintain health, prevent disease and increase capacity.

  • Stay away from fat: Eat light food. Poultry without the skin - chicken without skin, light-colored dark-colored meat 20 meat wait to share more calories and 10 percent less protein and fat that is double.
  • Prevent Disease : Drink plenty of water. Green vegetables, sweet potatoes, cabbage Khan. Bright fruits and vitamin 'A' and 'C' to eat. Heat  vitamins 'C' are destroyed, the vitamin C in the diet by eating raw Practice. Carrot have beta carotene, folic acid and Spinach, yellow and orange fruits and Vegetables vitamin A. Cooked food is better for health. Spicy foods may be more tasty, However, for the health impaired.
  • Make strong bones: More calcium eat. Skim raising or low-fat eight ounces of milk from 5 years to the top male and female for the recommended food lists 800 mg of calcium in one - third of the meet. Chicken cooked with tomatoes, spinach, and has plenty of calcium in  some vegetables. 
  • Get the body power:Please take the starch and sugar in food. B vitamins, including folic acid can cause low fatigue and Blood creep. Dietary mineral elements, especially the need  Iron remember. Get plenty of calories from wetting gram.
  • Get regular exercise: Set a specific time each day to exercise. You can run free in the air. Stroke is the opportunity to swim in the water or run the bike. Take a long breath aloud, slowly quit breathing. Food is important to take time. Eat a balanced diet and take all kinds of food. Eat plenty of seasonal fruits. Kidney bean seed, fish oil, yogurt and delicate quality of the food.  
"A healthy body means a healthy life"